Have you ever felt like you are constantly cleaning and tidying your home, yet it never seems to stay clean for more than a few hours? If you feel this way you are not alone! According to the New York Post, 65% percent of individuals admit their cleaning skills can be improved. Although you may want to throw the towel in and give up don’t! There are so many benefits to having a clean and tidy home, I promise you will want to continue on your cleaning and tidying journey.
In this article, we’ll explore 5 reasons why you may be struggling to keep your house clean and tidy and offer practical solutions to help you maintain a tidy living space.
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1. You Are Cleaning And Organizing Clutter
This is usually the main reason that I have observed when people say they struggle with keeping their homes clean and the same was true for my own home. Too many items in one area will lead to an abundance of items, a.k.a. clutter, which will make your living areas difficult to keep clean, tidy, and organized.
Often in an attempt to make our homes clean and tidy, we move things around which is essentially shifting clutter. Set a goal to declutter and remove items from your spaces by first identifying a space and a certain amount of items to declutter. For example, you may say “Today I will declutter 20 items from my closet.” Repeat until your spaces have minimal clutter. If you have trouble departing with items, start with items that you don’t have an emotional connection to. Junk drawers, medicine cabinets, and linen closets are great places to start. Once you see how great these areas look, you will be motivated to declutter additional areas.
2. Items In Your Home Don’t Have A Home
If items in your home don’t have a home, your home will look unorganized even if you have spaces that have been decluttered and have minimal items. By giving items home and returning them back to their designated spot when they are not in use, you are creating a space that is clean and tidy. Baskets and bins help to naturally give items a home.
3. You Don’t Have A Plan
Without direction and a cleaning and tidying plan, keeping your home clean can be difficult, allowing messes to quickly pile up which becomes overwhelming. Creating a cleaning and tidying schedule tells you what to do which gives you direction on how to tackle and maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of your home. A daily routine is a crucial step to keeping your home clean. Once you become proficient in daily cleaning and tidying, create a weekly and monthly schedule. By creating a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly schedule you break your tasks into manageable chunks.
4. You haven’t given you plan time to work
Have you ever tried to start something new, only to quit a few days or weeks later? Forming new habits can be hard especially when we are simultaneously trying to break our old habits. According to James Clear, on average it can take up to 66 days for a new habit to form.
When starting on the journey of keeping your home clean, start slow with one measurable cleaning and tidying task. Strive to complete this task each day. Cleaning your kitchen each night before you go to bed is an excellent cleaning task that you begin with. Once you establish this habit you can begin to work on building additional cleaning and tidying habits.
5. You have a busy schedule with no set time aside
In addition to having a plan, it’s essential to set specific times aside to clean and tidy your home. When you set a specific time to clean and tidy your home, you are making your home a priority.
You are also strengthening your plan and routine by completing the task repeatedly at the same time which will allow you to become proficient at the tasks that you are completing.
Tip: Set aside 30 minutes a day when you can clean and tidy. If you are just beginning remember use this time to clean your kitchen and reset your home by picking up items and returning them to their homes. As you become proficient, you will be able to clean the kitchen and reset your home in less than 30 minutes and you can add in other tasks. If you have family members have them help you also!
Final Thoughts:
Maintaining a clean and organized house is possible with the right strategies and mindset. Go through each reason listed above, thinking about if any applies to you. If so, try out the solutions provided and remember to give it time.
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